The Most Contextual Engineering Knowledge Assistant Ever Made

Get context on what your code does and why from GitHub, Linear, Slack, Notion and more
Get 8 hours of time back every week

Built by a World Class Team From

Supercharge your developers with Powerful Features

Semantic Code Search

Easily navigate your codebase in seconds by asking Assembly any question about your codebase semantically

Code Explanation

Whether its a complex function or a simple class, understand code easily with a summary

Commit History

Leverage historical changes to commits to get the fullest context how code has been developed

Conversational Context

Get context from conversation and docs about code in Slack, Notion, or other communication / documentation channels

Ticket Reference

Semantically search through Linear or Jira to find context in old tickets

Code Discovery

Quickly find and refactor duplicate code and real-time recommendations on existing internal solutions for the problem you are solving

Get context about code from your internal system

Assembly searches through and gets context from your codebase, communication channels, ticketing systems, and documentation hubs. Tell us what you use and we'll integrate!

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Frequently asked questions

What does Assembly do?

Assembly is a semantic code search and summarization tool that searches for code in a company’s codebase, and across its communication channels, documentation, and ticketing systems to give engineers context on what their code does and why.

How does Assembly work?

Assembly is designed by developers for developers. By using AI and cutting edge semantic search techniques, Assembly creates summaries of every method in a codebase and allows the developer to simply ask question or type in a thought in our search bar. From there, Assembly returns every method that is similar to the query provided by the developer.

Is Assembly available on-premise?

Yes it is! Contact us with any on-premise related questions or requests!